Third Impact Week, 21 months to go
20th October 2022

After a summer break, we rolled up our sleeves again, this time at TU Delft Campus. On Monday, the 5th of September, fellows walked us through their projects, meaning their deal, technology, solutions, market opportunities, customer interviews, prioritization matrix, and milestone planning. We reserved the afternoon for training on the investment process and weekly assignments.
Tuesday was our day for individual work, while Wednesday, the 7th of September, our fellows had the opportunity to pose always-striking questions regarding funding possibilities to Elke Evers from RVO. As it turns out, in the Netherlands, there is plenty of funding opportunities and support mechanism for early-stage entrepreneurs who want to make an impact. We completed our last day and third Impact Week by visiting YES!Delft, where their managing director Evert Jaap Lugt shared inspiring entrepreneurial lessons. We would like to thank him for all the hard work he put into building YES!Delft eco-system while turning it into most successful tech incubator.
We are already planning our fourth Week, the most successful where we began this journey – in Amsterdam, so make sure not to miss it on our website and LinkedIn.