How it works
Getting in
Once a call opens, researchers from Dutch universities, universities of applied sciences and other knowledge institutes can apply at the Dutch Research Council for a grant if their area of research fits the call theme. We typically announce a new call three months before the application deadline.
Since the fellows stay embedded in their home university or institute, their research group has to sign off on the application. Just like the knowledge transfer office (when applicable), stating that the intellectual property will be made available for the fellow.
Once the call has closed, a review committee with experts from science, industry and venture capital selects a group of applicants. This typically happens in two rounds. First the committee makes a selection of the most promising candidates based on the written applications and video. In the second round the remaining candidates present their business idea to the committee in person. The whole review process takes about three months in total.

Once you are in
Once you are in, you can focus 100% of your time, brainpower and energy on turning your research into impact. Three weeks per month you are at your homebase, one week a month your meet with the other fellows in your group, somewhere in the Netherlands.
The Team
Experts, mentors, coaches
The Advisory Committee
Steering Committee
Adapting to context

Connecting dots
Big thanks
If you read the news media and startup blogs, you might get the impression that creating new things is the work of uniquely brilliant geniuses. They all seem to be white men and live in the USA. You know, people like Steve, Elon, Bill, Mark, etc.
In practice, that is not at all how new things are created. All great things are created through collaboration, never mind that sometimes one person takes all the credit. Faculty of Impact got off the ground because many people contributed with ideas, put their reputation behind it, connected us to the right people and challenged our thinking.
So that we are here, on a mission to create more impact for people and planet with Dutch research, is the result of a collaboration of many people and their organizations. We’d like to say an especially big thank you to:
Universities of the Netherlands (Pieter Duisenberg, Mirjam van Praag, Martijn Verwegen, Marte Simons), NWO (Herry Nijhuis, Mario van der Linden, Wieke Haakma, Stefanie Holst, Anne Bergen, Luuk Klomp), Techleap (Constantijn van Oranje, Anne Wil Lucas, Anne Strobos, Arjan Goudsblom), our Ministry of Economic Affairs (Joost Dieleman and Lucien Vijverberg), our Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (Caroline Tempel), Cyclotron Road (Ilan Gur) and Runway @ Cornell Tech (Uzi de Haan and Fernando Gomez-Baquero).