Wanted: researchers to build a business

We are the Faculty of Impact of the Netherlands. Our work: turn science into impact. We do that by supporting promising researchers of Dutch research institutes with a two year fellowship. Two years to turn breakthrough research into a business. But not just any business, for us it’s about a business with big impact. And for the record: a non-profit is a business too.

We are looking for you.

We help you turn your research into a business with impact.
We do that through funding, a world-class entrepreneurship program and coaching.
Through our network you can find a fit between your solution and a real world problem.
Curious? Read on!

Combine world-class academic institutions with a powerful entrepreneurial drive and you get a generation of tech companies that can impact our societal challenges. That’s why we support Faculty of Impact.

Constantijn van Oranje, Techleap

Faculty of Impact gives researchers a unique opportunity. They’ll get the time, resources and support to increase the societal impact of their work.

Mirjam van Praag, Voorzitter College van Bestuur, Vrije Universiteit

We give researchers 2 years in a trusted community where they can explore and develop their ideas to the next stage.

Pieter Duisenberg, Chairman, Universities of the Netherlands

Who can apply?

You can apply for the Faculty of Impact if you:
Work at a Dutch research institute;
Want your research to have a positive impact in the world;
Will be supported by your institute to make this a reality.

Book a webinar

You can book webinars with different themes. Join the one that suits your needs, or all of them!

Webinar 1: Faculty of Impact Introduction & FAQ

13th of February, 13:00 – 14:00 on Zoom

This webinar people from Faculty of Impact and NWO will tell you about FOI – how it will help you make an impact and build a business. We will also address FAQ’s and other questions you have.

Webinar 2: Faculty of Impact Introduction & FAQ

15th of March, 16:00 – 17:00 on Zoom

This webinar people from Faculty of Impact and NWO will tell you about FOI – how it will help you make an impact and build a business. We will also address FAQ’s and other questions you have.

Webinar 3: Faculty of Impact Introduction & FAQ

20th of March, 10:00 – 11:00 on Zoom

This webinar people from Faculty of Impact and NWO will tell you about FOI – how it will help you make an impact and build a business. We will also address FAQ’s and other questions you have.

Webinar 4: Proposal Writing Tips & FAQ

1st of April, 13:00 – 14:00 on Zoom

This webinar people from Faculty of Impact are present to guide you through the writing of your proposal, and show helpful tips and tricks on how to optimize your chances. We will also address FAQ’s and other questions you have.

Webinar 5: Proposal Writing Tips & FAQ

16th of April, 11:00 – 12:00 on Zoom

This webinar people from Faculty of Impact are present to guide you through the writing of your proposal, and show helpful tips and tricks on how to optimize your chances. We will also address FAQ’s and other questions you have.

Webinar 6: Proposal Writing Tips & FAQ

20th of April, 13:00 – 14:00 on Zoom

This webinar people from Faculty of Impact are present to guide you through the writing of your proposal, and show helpful tips and tricks on how to optimize your chances. We will also address FAQ’s and other questions you have.