Impact Week 5
1st December 2022
Impact Week 5 took place at the International School of Philosophy. We began this week by zooming in on a nice, complicated case of one of the fellows that involves negotiating for IP with a foreign party. Diving deeper into one instance combined the group’s skills, knowledge, and strengths, bringing us insightful ideas and efficient solutions.
In the afternoon, fellows met trainer Joachim Blazer, a finance specialist, author, investor, entrepreneur, and in this case – their new coach. Together with Joachim, fellows specified their deal, revenue, and value propositions for their customers and for investors.
The following day we switched focus from the numbers to the craft of building a solid team. While using a Belbin Test as a framework, Hans explained what roles individuals could take over by becoming teammates. Of course, it would not be that fun if, afterwards, we did not get the opportunity to assess our behavioural patterns in the team – so we did exactly that. After identifying specialists, resource investigators, shapers and other types in the room, we analysed where certain characteristics can be useful and how to benefit from them while building a team and a company.
Hiring and firing are also two topics that Hans covered in this training. From exercises on writing a high-level job description over the interviewing leading and selection process to hiring the right person for the job. After lunch, fellows and Joachim reopened their excel sheets and continued with finance and market sizing.
For the last day of Impact Week 5, Wouter prepared a fun workshop on branding and marketing. Through different creative assignments, fellows were challenged to think like a marketeer and reveal the uniqueness of their products or service.
New Impact Week is just around the corner, so stay tuned.