Application kit: Safety and the energy transition
This page has everything you’ll need for your application.
Bookmark this page. We’ll regularly update it and email you with critical changes.

Support Letters Faculty of Impact S25
Letter of support from the department director: to confirm that the applicant is – or will be – part of the group, can use the research facilities during the Faculty of Impact programme, and is exempt from standard university duties (such as teaching duties and publishing) upon admission to the Faculty of Impact. It is confirmed that the applicant’s appointment is or will be at least the size of the time to be spent as indicated in the proposal (with a minimum commitment of 0.8 FTE) and for at least the duration of the fellowship. It is also confirmed that (if applicable) the applicant is in the process of completing his/her PhD, EngD programme, PD track or ongoing Postdoc project and is available in time to follow the Support Programme (training/support component) as indicated in section 3.1 (in section 4.2.8 ‘Timeline’ it is indicated when the programme starts for this FoI grant round), and confirmed to have read the section 6.1 ‘Other relevant information for accepted project proposals’ of the call.
Support letter from the organisation’s Knowledge Transfer Office: responding to why the idea can have societal impact. If the project application is awarded, the knowledge transfer office will coach the fellow throughout the programme to improve the business case and enhance the fellow’s entrepreneurial skills If the organisation does not have a knowledge transfer office, a letter of support is required from a representative of the organisation’s (board of) directors. In this letter of support, the representative declares that the fellow will receive similar coaching as in the presence of a knowledge transfer office, i.e. a coach will be available throughout the programme to improve both the fellow’s business case and entrepreneurial skills.
Letter of support from the applicant’s supervisor: confirming the scientific quality of the idea and the quality of the applicant. The applicant’s supervisor should be a professor or a university (senior) lecturer, a professor at a universities of applied sciences (UAS) or hold a similar position, and have an appointment for the duration of the programme.
Questions about the process or financing?
Have you got a question about the application process? Or about financing? Give our team from NWO a call!
Book a webinar
You can book webinars with different themes. Join the one that suits your needs, or all of them!
Webinar 1: Faculty of Impact Introduction & FAQ
13th of February, 13:00 – 14:00 on Zoom
This webinar people from Faculty of Impact and NWO will tell you about FOI – how it will help you make an impact and build a business. We will also address FAQ’s and other questions you have.
Webinar 2: Faculty of Impact Introduction & FAQ
5th of March, 16:00 – 17:00 on Zoom
This webinar people from Faculty of Impact and NWO will tell you about FOI – how it will help you make an impact and build a business. We will also address FAQ’s and other questions you have.
Webinar 3: Faculty of Impact Introduction & FAQ
20th of March, 10:00 – 11:00 on Zoom
This webinar people from Faculty of Impact and NWO will tell you about FOI – how it will help you make an impact and build a business. We will also address FAQ’s and other questions you have.
Webinar 4: Proposal Writing Tips & FAQ
1st of April, 13:00 – 14:00 on Zoom
This webinar people from Faculty of Impact are present to guide you through the writing of your proposal, and show helpful tips and tricks on how to optimize your chances. We will also address FAQ’s and other questions you have.
Webinar 5: Proposal Writing Tips & FAQ
16th of April, 11:00 – 12:00 on Zoom
This webinar people from Faculty of Impact are present to guide you through the writing of your proposal, and show helpful tips and tricks on how to optimize your chances. We will also address FAQ’s and other questions you have.
Webinar 6: Proposal Writing Tips & FAQ
20th of April, 13:00 – 14:00 on Zoom
This webinar people from Faculty of Impact are present to guide you through the writing of your proposal, and show helpful tips and tricks on how to optimize your chances. We will also address FAQ’s and other questions you have.